Our documents

Each of the below documents is jam-packed with useful information about our organisation. Annual reports, business plans, operational docs, and shareholder information - get amongst it!


Skills Active produces a report each year with an in-depth reflection on how it all went. The Annual Report is full of interesting information about the organisation's accomplishments and challenges. On top of this, it profiles a bunch of Skills Active's workplace partners who are out there making an impact - have a read!

2023 Annual Report

2022 Annual Report

2021 Annual Report

2020 Annual Report

2019 Annual Report

2018 Annual Report

2017 Annual Report

2016 Annual Report

2015 Annual Report

2014 Annual Report

2013 Annual Report

2012 Annual Report

2011 Annual Report

2010 Annual Report



Skills Active uses its Business Plan to set priorities for the year ahead. Inside each document you will find a bunch of information about each team's key focus areas, and how they plan to achieve their goals. 

2024-2025 Business Plan

2021 Business Plan

2020 Business Plan

2019 Business Plan

2018 Business Plan

2017 Business Plan

2016 Business Plan

2015 Business Plan

A Strategy for Māori Success



Keen to further explore who we are as an organisation? These documents will sort you out with more information about Skills Active, the story of our branding, and what we promise to our customers. 

Customer Commitment

Hei Mauri Tū

Terms of Trade



We’re passionate about building strong relationships with partners, industry bodies, government and employers. We love it when people share stories about collaborating with us.

But before you can use our logo on your website, resources or other collateral you’ll need to get our permission. You can get the okay to use our logo by submitting a ‘request for permission’ form. Your request should include: a description of why you are asking and how the logo will be used.

Oh and when you use our logo, please make sure you follow our brand guidelines! 

Fill out a request for permission here

Check out our brand guidelines here



Of Skills Active's  total shareholding, 50% is held by Māori organisations and 50% by non-Māori organisations. Below, we share information that is relevant to our shareholders, and anyone else who is interested. 

Our Shareholder Allocations

Our Constitution

Shareholders' Agreement

Shareholders' Handbook