Our partnerships

Our partnerships mean that we can provide the best business and learning outcomes for the people we work with. We have strong relationships with government bodies, national organisations, communities and employers. Click on their logos below to check out the organisations we’re working with to help the industry step up, strengthen and flourish.

We work with our partners on common goals, from qualification development to broader workforce initiatives aimed at strengthening the industry.  


Our industry bodies and associations are the guys we work with to deliver relevant standards, and effective on-job qualification and assessment. They represent a wide variety of voices, including employers, communities and individuals.

Check out some of the awesome employers that we work with. These guys have aligned their internal training systems to the National Qualifications  framework, and get to recognise the skills of their paid staff and volunteers with NZ qualifications.





Here are some some of our key strategic relationships with Government agencies and bodies. We work together around regulation, policy, advocacy and a whole bunch of other things to help influence the future direction of our industries.