Small Business Scholarship


The Small Business Scholarship recognises small and medium businesses that demonstrate a strong commitment to promoting knowledge and skill development for their staff, in order to meet current and future workforce challenges.

Scholarship criteria

This scholarship celebrates workplaces that take a strategic approach to building the knowledge and skill base of their workforce.

The scholarship is open to organisations with up to 15 staff. The workplace will be engaged with Skills Active, but its achievements don't need to be directly linked to this engagement.

The judges are looking for a workplace that demonstrates a strategic approach to developing skills and knowledge in their staff, and articulates how this has made a significant contribution to their organisation and/or their industry.

This could relate to work across the following areas: 

Engaging and attracting talent

Recruitment for the future

Retaining top talent

Onboarding and induction

Supporting and developing people 

Branding the business for talent attraction.

The winning organisation/business/operator will receive a $1500 grant towards future Skills Active enrolments to support workforce development in their organisation.  

If you would like to nominate your own or another organisation for this scholarship, please email us before 29 October.

Nominations should include a paragraph about the organisation and any relevant background, how it meets the eligibility criteria, and why it should be considered for the scholarship. 

Send your nomination to