Why develop your staff?

Take a look at your team: volunteers, staff, management and leadership. Each individual brings their own set of skills, knowledge and characteristics. Want a successful business? Look at the attributes of each team member, recognise where they shine, and plan for how you can make your business stronger, together.

Getting the best from your people

Every business and organisation wants to get the best out of its people. Consistent skills and competencies across your workforce means consistent services and stronger relationships with your customers.

Upskilling your staff is a great way to strengthen your team, and make sure the right things are happening when you're not there, by ensuring everyone has sufficient skills and knowledge to shine in their roles.

Industry training can help you improve your productivity, sustainability and the outcomes you’re achieving for your customers and communities. 

We can give you the tools to help you step up your business, but you need to do the heavy lifting to get the results you want. 

Our nationally-recognised qualifications, moderation, assessment and support systems empower you to deliver training to your people, in a way that works for you and meets national standards.

With on-job qualifications, you will grow your people’s skills, their engagement and their confidence in being able to consistently deliver to the standard you need. You'll have peace of mind knowing your business is in good hands and your customers and communities are getting the best possible service from you. 

Without qualified staff, you risk continuing along with the status quo. This might be okay - or it might mean mixed skills, inconsistent services or uncertainty around whether you're getting the best out of your business. 

 Workforce planning

Our freshest data forecasts long-term growth across our industries. This means demand for skilled staff will only keep rising. The best person to meet this demand is you!

Reviewing your workforce development needs is a key step in making sure your business grows and flourishes. 

Workforce planning is a process that looks at the skills and knowledge your staff will need, and how you can support them to develop these effectively.

Helping you figure this out is our bread and butter. We work kanohi ki te kanohi (face-to-face) with your business to understand what you need and create a customised workforce strategy for your organisation. 

As well as a passionate team that is keen to talk with you about where you're going, we also have tools here to help you start your  planning process.  

Our tools

Workforce planning tools

Our team at Skills Active has developed the following handy tools to help your organisation with the workforce planning process.