Meet our team: Alan Reynolds

August 15, 2022

In this series we are introducing you to some of the awesome people who will be part of our our new, independent tertiary education organisation, Te Mahi Ako.

Alan Reynolds will manage a team of national learning advisors at Te Mahi Ako. 

Alan worked in senior roles in the UK chemical sector for many years, but industrial chemicals weren’t his dream. A long-time fitness junkie, he became a personal trainer and later a gym manager, and he has been ten times happier ever since.  

People in sport, recreation and performing arts get huge non-monetary rewards from being able to follow their passion every day, Alan says. He ended up with Skills Active because he was keen to help people like himself, who wanted to do meaningful work and be recognised for their skills.  

“When people in our sectors know their stuff, they can make such a big impact on everyone they come into contact with - their workplace, their industry, clients, participants and communities.”  

Alan likes mapping out individual pathways for learners, and giving them tailored strategies to progress their careers. And there will be more opportunities to do this at Te Mahi Ako, he says, through partnerships and collaborations across the vocational system.   

“When we can find a unique way to help the learner achieve, after they had barriers to achievement in the past, that’s what I’m most proud of. Because not every problem is a nail, so you don’t always need a hammer.”

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