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Sept 1

Skills Active Aotearoa announces divestment of Qualworx Ltd

Skills Active Aotearoa, announced today the divestment of Qualworx, a subsidiary within its portfolio.

Skills Active Aotearoa has officially announced the divestment of Qualworx, a subsidiary within its portfolio. The transition is effective from today, marking a strategic move to sharpen the organisation’s focus on core business operations. Mr. Dave Watkinson, who has served as Qualworx's safety and accreditation manager, has now taken the reins as the owner of the company.

Jun 27

A year of new beginnings for vocational education

In their recently released 2022 annual reports, Skills Active Aotearoa and its new subsidiary Te Mahi Ako each reflect upon a pivotal year of changes, challenges and achievements.

Oct 3

An independent work-based learning provider is launched: Te Mahi Ako gets underway

Today Skills Active Aotearoa group officially launched its new tertiary education organisation, Te Mahi Ako, with a karakia in Wellington.